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Queen Alexandra College

Queen Alexandra College

Queen Alexandra College (QAC) in Birmingham is a leading national charity providing education, training and routes to employment and independent living. Founded as a part of the Birmingham Royal Institution for the Blind in 1860, many of QAC’s learners are people who are blind or have low vision, although a high percentage of students have other disabilities. The majority are people aged 16 to 25 but QAC’s Advance2work programme provides tailored employment focused programmes for adults of any age with a range of disabilities. Many QAC learners are on the autistic spectrum.

Residential provision is available for QAC learners from across the UK. Within the extended curriculum in registered care homes young people are supported to develop social skills, learn to live independently and embed their new skills. Levels of support up to one to one are available.

Central to success for QAC’s learners are the specialist staff and therapies available to them. These include Speech and Language Therapy, Educational psychologists, medical staff, mentors, key workers, Braille and assistive technology specialists, orientation and mobility professionals and highly qualified residential teams. Above all the emphasis is on each individual learner’s experience in a supportive, friendly and fun environment.

Visits to the college for future learners and professionals are available throughout the year, call 0121 428 5041